
Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation


Massachusetts Appeals Court Rules Two Employers Jointly Responsible for Employee´s Workers´ Compensation

A Massachusetts Appeals Court has recently ruled that two employers can be held jointly responsible for an injured employee´s workers’ compensation benefits, despite them each having classified the worker as an independent contractor. In Leo Whitman’s Case, No. 10-P-71, Sept. 6, 2011, the court affirmed an earlier decision by the…


Massachusetts State Auditor Accuses Non-Profit Organization With Misuse of Taxpayer Money and Workers´ Compensation Fraud

The Massachusetts State Auditor has revealed that a non-profit human services provider in Western Massachusetts that serves mentally ill and emotionally disturbed children has corruptly used over $1 million in state taxpayer money. They are additionally accused of paying an employee´s workers´ compensation insurance claim with state money during a…


MassCOSH Reviews Workplace Safety at Angelica Textile Services in Somerville

The Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (MassCOSH) has recently conducted an assessment of workplace safety at Angelica Textile Services, operating under the name of Royal Institutional Services, in Somerville, Massachusetts. The investigation was prompted by multiple worker complaints in regards to illnesses, injuries, and long-term health problems due…


Monro Muffler Brake in Hyannis Cited with $184,000 for Safety Violations After Worker Injured in Fire

A fire in which an employee was badly burned at Monro Muffler Brake Inc. in Hyannis on February 2nd prompted an investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA has since charged Monro Muffler Brake Inc., a company from Rochester, N.Y., for 10 alleged violations of workplace safety…


Walgreens to Pay Massachusetts $2.8 Million in Restitution For Overcharging Workers´ Compensation Prescriptions

The Walgreens Company (Walgreens) has agreed to pay the Commonwealth and approximately 75 Massachusetts cities and towns $2.8 Million in a settlement with Attorney General Coakley’s Office. An ongoing investigation by the Attorney General’s Insurance and Financial Services Division exposed that the pharmacy company was overcharging public entities for prescription…


Bostik Inc. Provides Cause for Plant Explosion and Worker Injuries in Middleton, Officials Continue Investigation

Bostik Inc. reported yesterday that they had determined the cause of their plant´s explosion and 4-alarm fire at their adhesive manufacturing plant in Middleton on March 14. They asserted that the explosion which injured four of their workers was due to open valves that let flammable gas permeate throughout the…


Massachusetts Court Decision Could Influence Contractor and Subcontractor Liability

An important decision has recently been made by a Massachusetts Chief Justice who has ruled that the wife of a deceased Massachusetts construction worker can sue the contractor who oversaw a construction site where her husband was killed and son was injured, despite the fact that the contractor has already…


OSHA Works On Withdrawn Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Recording Regulation

On May 17, 2011, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration reopened the public record on the proposed rule to revise the Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements regulation on workers’ musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). As reported in OSHA Withdraws Two Important Workplace Safety Proposals, OSHA…


OSHA Cites South Easton Contractor for Unprotected 40-foot Fall Hazard

Folan Waterproofing and Construction Co. Inc., of South Easton, has been cited by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for nine serious violations of workplace safety standards at a Lowell jobsite. In December of last year, an OSHA inspector found a Folan worker climbing onto…

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