Prematurely losing a loved one to an accident at work is a tragedy simply unparalleled. If that person also happened to be the primary breadwinner in a family, the shockwaves extend well beyond the personal turmoil that will follow. In addition to the pain of loss, you must now figure…
Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation
Dangers of walk-in freezers in the workplace
Considering the possibility of perishing inside the subzero conditions of a walk-in freezer may be the last thing anybody ever considers, until they’re inside one, alone, and the safety latch that has always worked in the past is not working. While certainly not a common occurrence, people do die from…
How Long Do I Have to Wait for Workers’ Comp Benefits After My Work Injury?
If you’ve been injured on the job, you’re probably wondering if you’ll be eligible for workers’ compensation and when those payments will begin. Missing even one week of work can be financially devastating for some people. Although workers’ comp is there to protect workers from catastrophic losses following a work-related…
Workers’ compensation benefits in Massachusetts, is a right, not a privilege
Some of the most important jobs that bolster our economy and continue our growth here in Massachusetts and across the country also happen to be the most dangerous. Construction workers, line workers, industrial engineers, miners, farmers, and a thousand different variants of manual laborers all put their bodies into harm’s…
The Four Types of Burns in the Workplace –
Anybody who has experienced a mild to severe burn can attest to the fact that the pain from a burn is unlike any other kind of pain. You can run it under a cold tap or press an ice pack to it, but you know this is only a tiny…
Welding Carries Higher Than Average Risk of Injury, Even for Construction Jobs
Welding is an occupation with a higher-than-average risk of serious injury. Welding accidents in Massachusetts can result in burns, loss of vision, respiratory problems, and even death. According to the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA), four out of every one-thousand welders will die from a welding-related injury. Most welding accidents…
Construction “High Season” Isn’t Over Yet in Massachusetts
The temperatures might be getting cooler, but it’s still high season for construction work. In fact, with winter weather quickly approaching, many construction projects are kicking into high gear. Construction remains one of the most dangerous industries in the country, but you can dramatically reduce the risk of serious injury…
Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Covered by MA Workers’ Compensation?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive stress injury (RSI) caused by the compression of nerves and tendons in the “carpal tunnel” of your wrist. These nerves and tendons allow your fingers to flex. Swelling around the carpal tunnel can result in severe pain, numbness and weakness when performing activities that…
Are Injured Workers More Likely to Get Fired?
A recent study of U.S. nursing home workers found that injured workers are more likely to lose their jobs within six months of an injury. In fact, when compared to workers without on-the-job injuries, the injured workers had more than double the risk of being fired. Workers with multiple injuries…
Heat a Serious Danger to Massachusetts Workers
Although the recent heat wave we have experienced here in Massachusetts may not be a hindrance to individuals who work in air-conditioned office buildings, it has significantly affected those who must work outdoors. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts high temperatures and increased humidity to persist throughout the…