
Articles Posted in Workplace Disease/Illness


Recovering Lost Wages After a Work Injury in Massachusetts

Each year, the Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents records over 60,000 workplace injuries and illnesses, highlighting the prevalence and impact of workplace accidents in the state. Workers’ compensation benefits play a huge role in aiding injured employees by covering essential costs such as medical expenses and lost wages, enabling them…


Gov. Baker Officially Designates Cancer as a Work-Related Injury for MA Firefighters

Considering that firefighters are 14 percent more likely to die from cancer than the rest of the population, Gov. Charlie Baker’s decision to deem cancer a work related injury for firefighters makes perfect sense. This new legislation will provide coverage for lost wages and all medical expenses for firefighters who…


Is PTSD Covered by Workers’ Compensation in MA?

Most work-related injuries and illnesses are covered by workers’ compensation, but not all injuries are easy to prove. This is especially true of emotional disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A worker who experiences something traumatic or horrific on the job may develop symptoms of PTSD,…


Mesothelioma in the Workplace – It’s Not a Thing of the Past

Mesothelioma is a particularly-deadly type of cancer that affects the mesothelium, a thin layer of tissue surrounding multiple organs in the human body. As the most commonly-affected area is the lining around the lungs and chest wall, shortness of breath is often one of the first symptoms. That being said,…


Did You Get Mesothelioma While On The Job?

Mesothelioma is a slow-growing cancer that forms in a thin layer of tissue surrounding certain internal organs, including the lungs, chest wall, and abdomen. Unfortunately, mesothelioma is often so advanced when discovered that long-term prognoses are rarely good. In fact, of the 50,000 people diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2013, approximately…


The Real Cost of Prescription Drug Abuse in the Workplace

According to a recent National Safety Council survey, more than 70 percent of employers nationwide report being directly affected by the misuse of prescription drugs in their workplaces. Despite this, only 39 percent of employers surveyed view prescription drug abuse as a safety threat, and even less – 24 percent…


Most Common Workplace Injuries For Women

Men suffer more workplace injuries than women, but millions of women are joining the workforce in traditionally male-dominated jobs every year. And according to data from the Department of Labor, 57.2 percent of the 128 million working age women in the US have at least a part time job. In…


Worker Fatigue is Dangerous and Expensive

When we are fatigued, even the most routine task can become challenging. But when the task at hand involves heavy machinery, high places, dangerous substances, or getting behind the wheel, fatigue can be deadly. When Massachusetts workers are fatigued they are less productive and prone to making more errors. So…


Massachusetts Workers are Being Exposed to Asbestos Every Day – What can be Done?

Asbestos has been linked to deadly forms of cancer for decades – this isn’t news. Here’s what’s shocking – about 1.3 million Americans are still working in an environment with significant asbestos exposure every day.  It’s happening here in Massachusetts and all over the country.  What is going on? Why…


62 Massachusetts Workers Injured in On the Job Accidents Over the Last 16 Months

As part of commemorating Workers’ Memorial Day on Friday, labor leaders in Springfield read the names of the 62 people killed in Massachusetts work accidents in the last 16 months—that’s a little over one death a week. National Council for Occupational Safety and Heath director Mary Vogel said that most…

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