
Federal Officials Still Investigating Fatal Construction Accident

According to the Yale Daily News, investigators from the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration are still investigating whether safety violations were a factor in the September 13 construction accident that killed one worker and injured three others.

None of the three injured workers have returned to work following the accident, and of two of the three are still in the care of doctors. One of the workers underwent three surgeries at the Yale-New Haven Hospital, according to the president of the worker union Local 424 United Ironworkers. The worker’s injuries reportedly included eye damage, a broken pelvis, and a concussion. He was at a rehabilitation center in New York and expected to be sent home soon.

Another worker said that two months after the accident twisted his leg from the knee down, he has finally been able to bend his knee again, though he cannot put weight on his foot.

Many workers involved in accidents suffer similar injuries that require months of surgery and rehabilitation. Some injured workers are not able to return to work for months, if at all. That’s why our Massachusetts construction accident lawyers are committed to ensuring that you get the medical attention you need and the compensation you deserve following a serious accident.

Source: Investigation of fatal accident continues, Yale Daily News, November 30, 2010
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