
OSHA Construction Safety Course Now Required in Seven States

Massachusetts is among the six states that currently require construction workers to complete OSHA’s 10-hour construction safety training course before they can work on certain construction projects. The other states includes Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York, and Missouri. Nevada’s new OSHA training law will go into effect on January 1, 2010.

OSHA developed its 10-hour construction outreach training course as a voluntary safety course to teach workers about the hazards of construction work and the regulations that apply to their worksite. While several states have made the training mandatory in an attempt to reduce the number of construction accidents and injuries, some larger companies also have an authorized OSHA trainer on staff. OSHA has also authorized workers to take the required class online and receive the wallet card through the mail.

Several states only require the training for workers on publicly funded construction sites, but Nevada will require all construction workers to complete the training.

OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Course Now Mandatory in Seven States, Reuters, September 1, 2009
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