
Workers Survive Stair Collapse, Employer Fined

Two UK workers were injured when the stone staircase they were taking apart by sledgehammers collapsed under their feet. Both were hit by falling debris, and the two are lucky to be alive, according to one safety expert.

One worker was trapped by blocks of stone and suffered fractures to all of his ribs and three vertebrae, a punctured lung, a damaged finger, and serious foot injuries. It took several men to shift the stone treads and free him. The other worker sustained bruises, cuts, and serious trauma.

Following an investigation of the staircase collapse, the building firm that employed the two injured workers has been fined the equivalent of about $9,300.

Here in the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) handles investigations of potential safety violations in the workplace. Several Massachusetts construction companies have been cited in recent years for failing to meet safety standards.

Source: Two Paisley workers are lucky to be alive after construction accident, Paisley Daily Express, November 26, 2010
Contact the Massachusetts construction accident lawyers at Altman & Altman is you have sustained an injury from a scaffolding accident, staircase collapse, or other incident.

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