In a tragic and unexpected turn, a construction worker was killed while involved with a nighttime job on a southbound highway. On Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at around 11:30 pm, Robert Parrot of Fitchburg, a 46 year old employee of Liddell Brothers Incorporated, fell sixty feet from a median gap of the elevated highway, Interstate 91, just north of Exit 7. He landed next to the train tracks below.
The site of the accident sits west of The Republican’s Main Street office and the Peter Pan bus terminal. East Columbus Avenue and Gridiron and Liberty Streets run adjacent.
Parrot’s identity was withheld until the family could be notified. But state police confirmed him as the victim on Thursday night. Rail service was temporarily interrupted and Parrot was pronounced dead at the scene. State police bear jurisdiction over state highway-related incidents. But Springfield city police provided backup units. Springfield Lieutenant David Martin affirmed that the city police were present merely to assist the state police with their investigation.
Detectives with the Massachusetts State Police Crime Scene Service Section and members of the Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit assigned to the office of Mark G. Mastroianni, the Hampton District Attorney, are carrying out an ongoing investigation. An autopsy is being performed by the State Medical Examiner’s Office. Massachusetts Department of Transportation highway administrator Frank DePaola made a statement proclaiming that changes will certainly be made if the investigation reveals any safety lapses. DePaola also asserted that safety is the Department of Transportation’s number one priority.
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