Six Massachusetts men were working on a construction site in York, Maine when one fell from the roof of the American Legion building where they were working. Police arrived at the job site and discovered the workers, who told police they work for MQ Construction in Massachusetts and commute each morning from Revere.
The workers did not have United States identification, so the police contacted the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When officers tried to contact MQ Construction to report the accident, they discovered that there is no company listed under that name in Massachusetts.
After falling from the roof, the injured construction worker told police his name was Esterberto Urena. Urena suffered a broken rib and was transported to York Hospital for treatment. He was released from the hospital, but his whereabouts since then are unknown. The other five workers were taken into custody as they await hearings by an immigration court. The men’s Ford van was impounded and remains at Jack’s Towing.