Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation

Discount retailer Big Lots Stores Inc. is facing $66,000 in fines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) after an employee was injured at a store location in Danvers, Massachusetts. The store’s assistant manager wound up in the hospital after being struck by several falling boxes of patio furniture and other items. The boxes, which were being kept in the store’s rear stockroom, weighed up to 53 pounds each. If you’ve been injured at work, call a Boston Workers’ Compensation Attorney.

Danvers’ Big Lots Store Cited for Cluttered Aisles and Improperly Stacked Boxes

Following an investigation by OSHA, it was determined that the accident was a result of negligence. Boxes were stacked high throughout the storeroom and many were haphazardly placed in an unstable condition. The aisles of the storeroom presented another problem. They were cluttered with an array of items, including broken wooden pallets, boxes of stock, and pieces of cardboard. Conditions like these are dangerous for multiple reasons. The most obvious issue with clogged walkways is the inability to quickly exit the building in the event of an emergency, such as a fire. Additionally, employees can trip and fall in such conditions, leading to broken bones, sprains, and many other injuries.

In response to the store’s conditions, and the injuries suffered as a result, Big Lots Stores Inc. received citations for two repeated violations. OSHA had cited the company previously in 2014 for similar issues at store locations in Warner Robins, Georgia, and West Babylon, New York. The subsequent citation was issued on October 2, 2015, and Big Lots Stores Inc. must respond appropriately within 15 days. To fulfill this requirement, the discount retailer must comply with the demands issued in the citation, request a conference with OSHA, or contest the citation and any associated penalties. Continue reading

In a recent and unprecedented MA workers’ compensation case, a hospital employee was injured at work after learning of an upcoming promotion, but cannot receive benefits based on the higher wage. According to an administrative judge, the employee’s promotion was an absolute certainty, and the worker’s comp benefits should be calculated based on the new wage. However, the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) reviewing board appealed that decision, stating that, “It is the position held at the time of the accident which governs, not some prospective plan in the future which may or may not come to fruition.”

Massachusetts Workers’ Comp Benefits Traditionally Based on Prior 52 Weeks Average Weekly Wage

The DIA’s decision has prompted a further investigation into the workers’ comp statute and how it addresses such out-of-the-ordinary circumstances. Provisions within the statute allow a hearing judge to deviate from using the employee’s prior 52 weeks in average weekly wage (AWW) calculations when unusual circumstances are present. Unfortunately for this employee, the DIA does not consider this situation to warrant deviation from the traditional rules. According to Administrative Law Judge, William Harpin, “The definition of AWW [cannot] be stretched so far as to cover wages that have yet to be earned in a position not yet held.”

Vikki Harris, a Radiology Service Representative at Partners Healthcare System, had been earning an AWW of $703.56 for approximately one year when she learned of her upcoming promotion to Patient Service Representative. Her new AWW was scheduled to be $730, which was similar to other workers in that position. Less than one week before her scheduled promotion, Harris slipped on a wet floor and fractured her kneecap. The fracture left Harris completely incapacitated and unable to work for months. Although Harris is no longer completely incapacitated, she is still physically unable to go back to work. In this particular case, the employee’s injury prevented her from earning a higher paycheck, but that hasn’t changed the outcome of the ruling.

Under §51 of the MA worker’s compensation statute, a worker’s AWW can be increased if he or she can prove that age or acquisition of skills would have most likely led to a higher AWW on the open labor market. However, according to the DIA, this particular case does not qualify under §51. “A simple promotion well into a career does not qualify as a likely wage increase under this statute,” said Harpin. Additionally, since the initial judge had already determined that Harris was entitled to the higher AWW, he never addressed whether or not §51 applied. Had Harris cross-appealed on such grounds, the outcome may have been different. Continue reading

Employees between the ages of 14 and 24 represent approximately 13% of the work force, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This means that at any given time, there is an average of 18 million young employees in the United States. The agency reports that, between 1998 and 2007, hospitals treated approximately 795,000 teenagers and young adults for work-related injuries.

Emergency departments receive visits from workers under 25 twice as often as older workers. In 2012 alone, 375 workers under the age of 24 died in a work-related accident. Of these, 29 were under the age of 18. Lack of experience and safety training, coupled with the types of work pursued, are contributing factors to this higher instance of injury and death. Early careers in food service, agriculture, and hospitality are the most common for this age group, and all of these occupations come with an increased risk. The United States Public Health Service has declared its goal to reduce occupational injury rates among teens by 10%, by the year 2020.

Lifting Objects

Approximately 950 workers’ compensation claims involving musculoskeletal injuries are filed annually in the United States. The most common cause of this type of injury is heavy or repetitive lifting. Many young workers obtain positions that require constant lifting of items such as boxes, construction materials, crates, buckets, and pallets. Grocery store clerks and stockers, employees in shipping and receiving, kitchen workers, and dishwashers are all examples of positions that rely on heavy lifting.

Handling Knives

The food service industry hires a large percentage of teens and college students. Dishwashers and cooks handle many different kinds of knives during the course of a shift. In the retail and grocery industries, clerks and stockers use sharp objects to open boxes. Supermarkets often hire inexperienced youth to operate food slicers. These scenarios have a high potential for cuts, lacerations, and even more severe injuries. Approximately 130 cases of a thumb or finger amputation are reported every year among employees under 24. Annually, an estimated 525 young workers’ compensation claims are a direct result of knife mishaps. Continue reading

Every day in the United States, overexertion in the workplace results in thousands of trips to the doctor or emergency room. Overexertion can occur in any type of occupation, from seemingly benign office positions to highly physical construction jobs. Long-term effects can lead to temporary or permanent disability and, consequently, the inability to perform job duties. Even when physical symptoms are not debilitating, victims of chronic conditions often experience some level of depression.

The National Safety Council reports overexertion as the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims in the United States. Some of the most commonly recognized examples of overexertion include carpal tunnel syndrome and musculoskeletal disorders, often referred to as repetitive stress injuries. However, two examples of overexertion that are regularly overlooked are fatigue and dehydration.

Fatigue as a Workplace Hazard

Federal and state laws require employers to provide certain periods of rest for employees, depending on the length of the shift and the type of work performed. Without these necessary breaks, the impact of both mental and physical fatigue can become a workplace hazard. One of the most dangerous effects of fatigue is the inability to think clearly and react quickly and appropriately. This is especially important in occupations that require operating heavy machinery and driving, and for medical professionals and emergency personnel responsible for making life altering decisions. Research shows that employees who work in shifts have are six times more likely to be involved in a fatigue-related accident.

Certain causes of fatigue may be out of an employer’s control, such as detrimental sleeping patterns or the unhealthy lifestyle of an employee. However, the risk of fatigue is commonly increased by certain work-related factors including:

  • Excessive mental of physical exertion without appropriate access to food, hydration, or rest during the workday
  • Work scheduling that goes against the body’s natural bio-rhythms
  • Excessive and continuous cold or hot work environment
  • Monotonous or strenuous workload

Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe, healthy work environment. It is important that employers are consistently aware of potential cases of fatigue among employees, as well as any contributing factors. Workplace practices should be managed to minimize the onset of fatigue and maximize healthy work habits. Continue reading

A construction worker passed away this Friday in the second fatal worksite accident in Taunton, Massachusetts in the past three weeks. According to preliminary reports, law enforcement officials were called to a worksite at Myles Standish Industrial Park at approximately 8:50 AM when an individual notified them of a worker with “life-threatening injuries”. The victim has not yet been identified pending family notification.

The Taunton Police Department, who responded to the scene, posted a statement online stating that, “Upon arrival it was determined that an adult male had succumbed to his injuries and was deceased.” The extent and nature of the individual’s injuries have not been disclosed at this time. Law enforcement officials have not indicated the nature of the accident that caused the fatal injuries to the worker.

In addition to the Taunton Police Department, the Taunton Fire Department as well as personnel from the AMR Medical responded to the scene in an effort to save the individual’s life. The worksite, which is located at Charles F. Colton Road, will now face an investigation in an effort to determine what events led to the worker’s death. According to reports, law enforcement officials have remained on scene to continue their investigation. The accident occurred outside of an 800,000 square foot wine and liquor warehouse facility belonging to the Martingnetti Company. The facility spans approximately 115 acres along the Charles F. Colton Road. Representatives from the company have not issued regarding the incident a statement at this time. Continue reading

A building collapse injured six people in Smithfield, Rhode Island early this morning. The building, which had been under construction at the time of the collapse, is property of Bryant University. The steel framework for the structure had already been installed, and the breakdown occurred when these steel beams collapsed forward. The exact cause and nature of the accident is currently under investigation at this time.

Smithfield Fire Chief Robert W. Seltzer stated in initial reports that the department had received a call from the Bryant University construction site at approximately 8:15 AM. The supervisor of the construction site had alerted authorities after the structure collapsed and trapped six workers under the steel beams. The Smithfield Fire and Police Departments both quickly responded to the call, but upon their arrival they decided to call for additional backup. Authorities responding to the scene issued a Level 1 response, which automatically dispatches 5 additional units to aid efforts at the scene of the accident.

The Smithfield Fire and Police Department were able to successfully free the six workers that had become trapped under the steel structure following the collapse. All six individuals were transported to Rhode Island Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Bryant University spokeswoman Elizabeth O’Neil issued a statement following the accident indicating that there were no students or faculty present in the area of the collapse and that the university was cooperating in the investigation. O’Neil went on to say that the accident that took place today would not have an effect on the opening day of classes which are slated to start on September 8th. Continue reading

As minimum wage debates ripple across the country, American workers have begun to reevaluate their employment rights. Employers are responsible for adhering to federal and state labor laws that govern minimum wage, overtime pay, holiday pay, family medical leave, discrimination, and harassment. Employees often forego a deeper understanding of these legal guidelines because they trust their employers to follow industry standards and regulations. However, awareness of these laws and what constitutes a violation can empower workers to ensure that their rights are protected. The following is an overview of labor laws specific to Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Minimum Fair Wage Law

This law regulates minimum wage, minimum hours worked on a daily basis, and standards for overtime work. Massachusetts’ minimum wage became $8.00 per hour on January 1, 2008. Certain positions, such as tipped employees, present special circumstances that require a different minimum wage. Additionally, if an employer fails to pay an employee at least one and one-half times the regular pay rate for overtime (which is over 40 hours per week), that employer is in violation of the Minimum Fair Wage Law.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA), a federal law, is very similar to the Massachusetts Minimum Fair Wage Law. FLSA also regulates federal minimum wage requirements and time and a half overtime pay. In work situations where both state and federal laws apply, employers must follow the law with the higher standards. Certain employees in administrative, executive, or professional positions are exempt from overtime pay. To qualify, both a salaries test and duties test must be met. Continue reading

When a chronic medical condition is a result of your work environment, it may be considered an occupational disease.  Any worker in Massachusetts needs to know that any exposures to toxins, poor air quality, and lack of proper ergonomics can all contribute to a vast array of debilitating medical conditions and diseases. Tracing the signs and symptoms back to the work environment can be challenging, as many occupational diseases can also be experienced by the general public. However, approximately 860,000 illnesses and 60,300 fatalities are thought to be a result of workplace environments annually in the United States. Recent studies show that 17% of hospital and primary care patients believe their illness is related to harmful exposure in their place of employment. Of these patients, an estimated 10% are officially diagnosed with a work-related medical condition. Because early diagnosis of many illnesses can reduce chances of disability or death, understanding potential hazards you may be exposed to is important.

Respiratory Diseases

Inhalation of toxins can cause a variety of lung conditions and is a concern in many different industries. Asthma, rhino-sinusitis, and bronchitis are frequently cited as work-related medical issues. Pneumoconiosis is a general, umbrella term referring to various types of reactions to the inhalation of dust. The number of fatalities from pneumoconiosis was 260,000 in 2013.


Asbestosis is a type of pneumoconiosis caused by extended or intensive exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral made of long thin fibrous crystals that irritate the tissues in the lungs. Occupational exposure can occur in manufacturing and mining work, as well asbestos removal. Severe shortness of breath and dry coughing are common symptoms. Risks of long-term inhalation can lead to malignant cancers and mesothelioma. In 2013, asbestosis resulted in 24,000 fatalities in the United States. Continue reading

Massachusetts provides benefits for five types of workers’ compensation disability claims. These are 1) temporary total disability, 2) temporary partial disability, 3) permanent partial disability, 4) permanent and total disability, and 5) death. Total disability is paid for up to three years when an injury prohibits any ability to work. Benefits for permanent and total disability typically pay a percentage of an injured worker’s wages, on a permanent basis. Workers’ Compensation death benefits are designed to help families of workers who have died from a work-related injury or illness. However, the majority of workers’ compensation claims in the United States are permanent partial disability (PPD).

What is Permanent Partial Disability?

If an employee’s work-related injury has lessened his or her ability to work to some degree, but not entirely, PPD benefits may be available. This reduced earning capacity may be triggered by a necessity to change jobs, work less hours, or work for decreased wages. The injured worker’s physician uses American Medical Association (AMA) guidelines to determine the level of disability. In addition to injuries from falls, burns, or fallen objects, these AMA guidelines also cover occupational diseases, such as respiratory conditions from allergen exposure, neurological disorders from metals or pesticides, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. PPD standard coverage can last no more than 5 years (260 weeks). However, coverage may be extended to 520 weeks if there is a 75% permanent loss of body function or a diagnosis of a perpetual life-threatening condition such as:

  • Spinal cord damage
  • Loss of organ functioning, such as lungs, kidney, urinary, or bowel function
  • Damaged equilibrium
  • Loss of mental functioning, such as short term memory loss or language comprehension
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune disease

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From heavy machinery hazards to poor ergonomics, workplace injuries affect an estimated three million Americans annually. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created in 1970 to regulate workplace standards and advocate for safe and healthy environments for workers of all fields. Part of their mission is to provide “training, outreach, education and assistance” to both employers and employees alike. With an average of 4,500 workplace fatalities occurring every year, it is vital for all employees to be aware of steps they can take to reduce workplace injury risk. This may involve the design of a more ergonomically efficient desk area, or bringing worn or broken equipment to an employer’s attention. Ultimately, employers are responsible for creating a safe, hazard-free work culture. However, education and awareness on everyone’s part can dramatically reduce risk.

Overexertion Injuries

As the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims, overexertion injuries result in approximately $3 million in annual benefit payments. Consistently lifting, pulling, or carrying heavy objects, and typing or working in an awkward position, can trigger muscle strain or soft tissue damage. These injuries are often acute, but usually heal with treatment. They may, however, become chronic if not treated properly or in a timely manner. Prevention measures include the following:

  • Lift lighter loads.
  • When lifting heavy objects to or from a shelf above you, use a step ladder or other secure object to decrease the distance.
  • Be aware of your posture.
  • Take frequent breaks and stretch continually.
  • Engage in strength training.
  • Know your limits.

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