Construction is already one of the most dangerous jobs, and extreme weather increases the risk of serious injury or death. Ice and snow in winter pose obvious risks, but what about extreme heat? According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 100 outdoor workers died as a result of heat-related illness between 2008 and 2014. From dehydration to heat exhaustion, the risks can be dramatically reduced by following the tips below. Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

When the sun is blazing and temperatures are at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, it is crucial to take proper precautions against heat-related illness. It is an employer’s duty to provide a safe working environment for employees and contractors. If a supervisor neglects to do this, or prevents you from taking necessary water breaks or time out of direct sun in periods of high heat, he or she may be found negligent. If you suffer any work-related injuries, including those related to excessive heat, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Protect Yourself from the Heat

Hydrate. When temperatures are high, it is essential to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It’s always a good idea to stay hydrated, but during extreme heat, it can be the difference between life and death. If water is too boring for you, try an electrolyte-infused beverage such as Gatorade, or add a slice of lemon. But avoid designer energy drinks at all costs. Drinks such as Red Bull and Monster Energy provide little hydration, are full of sugar and caffeine, and have been associated with heart arrhythmia, heart failure, and death. If you simply need something sweet, it’s OK to drink lemonade and other citrus beverages, but try and dilute them with water.

Pack a healthy lunch. Your choice of food can be just as important as your choice of drink. For starters, snacking on junk food all day might hurt more than just your waistline. The excess salt will make it harder to stay hydrated, and the high fat content and preservatives can add stress to your body in high-heat situations. A light, nutritious lunch, especially with hydrating fruits and vegetables, is best.

Work at a cooler time of day, if possible. Obviously, it’s not always feasible to avoid the hottest part of the day – between 10 am and 2 pm – but on extremely hot days, it may be wise to start earlier, take a longer lunch break, and work later. Supervisors should be on the lookout for signs of fatigue when temps soar above 90, and breaks should be given more frequently than normal.

Stay in the shade. If you can, work in shaded areas. In extreme heat, use umbrellas or canopies wherever possible, even if only as a temporary respite from direct sun exposure. Supervisors should provide sunblock to all crew members who request it. Consider wearing a wide-brim hard hat, or purchase a visor that can be attached to your existing hat. There are several other hot-weather clothing items, such as nape protectors and vented vests, that may offer some protection and relief.

Listen to your body’s signals, and look out for one another. Strange behavior is often a sign of heat exhaustion or other heat-related illness. If a co-worker appears disoriented or lethargic, or if he or she begins stumbling or slurring speech, get help immediately. Heat exhaustion is dangerous enough on it’s own, let alone in close proximity to heavy machinery and tools. Likewise, if you begin to ‘feel funny’, fatigued, extremely thirsty, or dizzy, ask for help right away. Continue reading

Two weeks ago, a construction worker working at the Hartford Hospital site in Hartford, Connecticut fell three stories, a total of more than 60 feet, when the scaffolding he was working on collapsed.  Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials says that the worker, a 47 year old employee of Total Wall Systems Inc., was on a “rolling scaffold” when it fell off a building on site around 10:45 AM.  A scaffold is a temporary structure used during construction or maintenance to provide workers with support.  Rolling scaffolds are different in that they have wheels that give them mobility.  The worker was unconscious after the fall.  Another construction work on scene, Bruce Frosolone, stated that the collapse made a loud noise that resembled the sound of debris being thrown in a dumpster.  He was unaware that anyone was injured until medics began to show up.

This kind of accident is all too common for construction workers in Massachusetts and throughout New England.  The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) reports that there are almost 2.3 million construction workers in the United States with about 65 percent of these workers working on scaffolding.  This means that 1.5 million construction workers are on scaffolding every year.  Figures show that on average there are 60 deaths and more than 4,500 injuries that are sustained while working on scaffolding annually.  These accidents are almost always avoidable.  There are many safety regulations in place that instruct contractors and management in ways to prevent tragic injuries.  According to a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report, 72 percent of workers injured in scaffold accidents attributed the accident to the planking or support giving way, to the employee slipping, or to the employee being struck by a falling object.  With compliance to OSHA standards, many of these accidents can be avoided.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), falls are a leading cause of traumatic death on the job as a result of “improper installation or operation of scaffold equipment, defective scaffold equipment, insufficient worker safety training, and failure to provide or use personal fall protection equipment.”  OSHA emphasizes the necessity that workers are informed of the hazards of their job and learn prevention measures.  OSHA also has strict regulations that are in place to help prevent serious injury and death from occurring.  There are important personal safety precautions to take as well.  These include: Continue reading

Cases of faulty anchor bolts and concrete collapses are not unheard of.  These materials are used in almost every  Massachusetts building, tunnel, bridge, and piece of infrastructure because they can be so secure and durable.  However, if improperly constructed, malfunctions can occur that can cause serious injuries or fatalities.  Common causes of anchor bolt failures leading to concrete collapses are improperly securing the bolts due to poor training, insufficient supervision of workers, or plain negligence.  It is not uncommon for construction workers to skimp on protocol in order to save time and money.  Although workers may not realize the amount of damage that can be caused by taking short cuts, lives have been lost due to this kind of carelessness.

Anchor bolt failures can occur during or after construction.  Serious injuries can result from these failures such as bleeding, head/back/neck/spinal cord injury, amputation, paralysis, and death.  To ensure these injuries are minimized, it is important to adhere to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines when working with anchor bolts to secure pieces of concrete.  Such guidelines include “All columns shall be anchored by a minimum of four anchor rods (anchor bolts)” and “Prior to the erection of a column, the controlling contractor shall provide written notification to the steel erector if there has been any repair, replacement or modification of the anchor rods of that column”.  These and other requirements implemented by OSHA are put in place in order to ensure anchor bolts are correctly installed and maintained.  Bolts that have been repaired, replaced, or field-modified improperly have been responsible for collapses of concrete slabs and consequent injuries and deaths.

Therefore, proper maintenance of anchor bolts is also crucial to protect the longevity of the components and the safety of bystanders.  There are a few types of evaluation procedures to test the integrity of the anchor bolts, both non-destructive testing and semi-destructive testing.  The three main techniques typically used are 1) Acoustic impact, in which the bolt is struck by a hammer and the tone determines its condition, 2) Ultrasonic metal flaw detection, essentially passing a mechanical stress wave over the bolt and the way the wave is reflected or transmitted determines the condition of the bolt, and 3) Excavation and discovery, which bolts are cleaned of corrosion and an instrument called a vernier caliper is used to determine the diameter of the bolt.  Once these tests have been performed, there are several sub sequential steps that need to be taken.  The condition of the anchor bolt determines the next course of action.  Possible options following anchor bolt integrity tests include, leaving the bolt alone (if it is in good condition), repairing existing bolts, relocating bolts, or complete anchor bolt extraction and reinstallation.  Continue reading

Every seven seconds, a worker is injured in the United States. That’s 12,900 workers per day, or 4.7 million per year. And that figure is expected to climb as the country’s workforce continues to grow. Injuries are especially prevalent among younger workers who are just beginning a new job. According to Rich Ives, vice president of workers’ compensation for Travelers insurance, “More than one-quarter of injuries occur in the first year of employment.” Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

In a recent report released by Travelers, the insurance company set out to determine how and why certain injuries occur on-the-job. The “Injury Impact Report” looked at a total of 1.5 million workers’ comp claims over a five-year period. Workers’ comp insurance pays for work-related injuries and illnesses, therefore, it is an excellent barometer for injuries, especially serious ones.

Sprains, Strains and Bruises

Of course, injuries are most prevalent in occupations such as construction and excavation, but they can occur in any field. In fact, the most common injuries were sprains, strains, bruises, and inflammation, and they were due to deceptively simple tasks, such as lifting and carrying objects. Nearly one-third of the 1.5 million claims were a result of these types of injuries. The next most common injuries? Slips, trips, and falls. After those, being struck by an object was most common. Not surprisingly, accidents involving falls from high places were most common among construction workers. Claims for eye injuries were also quite high in construction and manufacturing jobs.

Which injuries result in the most time off work?

With an average of 91 days off-the-job, inflammation causes the most lost work time. Fractures came in at a close second with 78 days of missed work. Sprains and strains result in about 57 off-the-job days.

Which injuries cost the most?

The least common but most expensive injuries were major injuries, such as amputations and electric shock. An amputation costs more than $100,000, limb dislocation is slightly over $97,000, and electric shock claims cost about $55,000. Although strains and sprains result in more claims, they cost much less. The average sprain or strain only costs about $17,000.

What is the overall cost of injuries to U.S. businesses?

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), annual injuries cost U.S. employers about $170 billion. Currently, about 60% of all workers’ comp costs are related to medical care, but that number is projected to rise to 70% by 2019. Continue reading


According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), about three million workplace injuries occur annually. Not all of these injuries are serious, but more than one-third are serious enough to result in time away from work. The BLS publishes an annual Workplace Safety Index, highlighting the most common on-the-job injuries in that specific year. Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

The Most Common Massachusetts Work-Related Injuries and How to Prevent Them

  • Falls from high places: Although these accidents are most common in construction-related jobs, they can occur anywhere. Improperly maintained or faulty scaffolding and ladders are common causes of serious falls. Unfortunately, falls from high places are also one of the most dangerous types of workplace accidents, often resulting in head trauma, spinal cord injuries, and serious fractures. To prevent falls, always use safety harnesses when necessary, ensure that stairwells have adequate lighting, and make sure that equipment is regularly inspected and maintained.
  • Overexertion: This is one of the most common workplace injuries and it often affects the lower back. Overexertion can be caused by using excessive effort when lifting, pulling, pushing, or carrying objects. To avoid straining your lower back, or any other part of your body, always utilize proper lifting techniques, ask for help from other employees if an object is too heavy, and stop immediately if you feel any soreness or pain.
  • Slip and fall accidents: Although falls from high places result in more serious injuries and deaths, slipping, tripping, and falling on a level surface can still be extremely dangerous. People are seriously injured and die in slip and fall accidents every year. Even minor falls can result in torn ligaments and sprains. More serious falls can cause head trauma and fractures. Prevent slip and fall injuries by ensuring that walkways are well lit and clear of clutter and debris.
  • Being struck by an object: When improperly shelved materials, such as heavy boxes, equipment, or construction materials, fall from scaffolding or shelves above, they can cause serious injury and death. Prevent bruises, lacerations, and brain injuries by always making sure shelved items are properly secured. The use of hard hats in construction areas can also dramatically reduce the risk of serious head injuries.
  • Repetitive motions: Although injuries from repetitive motions may not be as dangerous as, for example, falls from high places, they can still be incredibly debilitating. When workers consistently perform the same task, such as data entry or stuffing envelopes, they may experience torn ligaments, sprains, and other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. These conditions may prevent a worker from returning to work for an extended period of time. Avoid repetitive motion injuries by taking frequent breaks, using ergonomic equipment at your desk, and maintaining proper posture.

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In April, events across Massachusetts paid tribute to the 63 MA workers killed on-the-job in 2015. In addition to honoring the victims and their families, ‘Workers’ Memorial Day’ also served to highlight worker safety in general. According to Jeff Newton, membership and communications coordinator for the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (MassCOSH), “Sixty-three workers in the State of Massachusetts lost their lives to dangerous jobs last year.” Newton went on to say, “One thing we want to make the public aware of is that dangerous jobs are still claiming far too many workers in the state.” Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

Dying for Work in Massachusetts

MassCOSH recently released a report titled “Dying for Work in Massachusetts” that calls attention to the problems surrounding worker safety. The report details the ways in which workers were killed, and it addresses increasing safety concerns for immigrant workers specifically. According to the report, immigrant workers have a significantly higher risk of being fatally injured in a work-related accident.

Workers’ Memorial Day

Every April, Workers’ Memorial Day celebrates the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. At the main event at the State House in Boston, and supporting events in Springfield and Northampton, speakers educate and inform the public about workplace safety. “And what we will be doing is reading the names of the workers killed aloud, and we will be having labor leaders speak as well as having family members who lost a loved one speak as to why workplace safety needs to be a higher public priority,” Newton said.

20% of Nationwide Worker Deaths are Construction Related

More than 4,600 workers were killed in work-related accidents in 2014, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Of those deaths, about 20% occurred in the construction industry, one of the most dangerous industries in the country. Although construction jobs are inherently dangerous, the risk of serious injury and death can be dramatically reduced when employers follow safety precautions, provide adequate training and supervision to workers, and perform routine maintenance and inspections on all equipment. In addition, workers should always be provided with proper safety gear, such as harnesses, safety goggles, hard hats, and any other equipment necessary for the specific job. Continue reading

Since 1992, Stress Awareness Month has been held every April to increase public awareness about a commonly downplayed health problem. Stress can be both physical and emotional, and much of our stress is directly related to work environment. Stress can result in sleep deprivation, obesity, emotional problems, and can make us more vulnerable to physical injury.  Massachusetts employers should take note. Stressed workers cost 50 percent more in annual health costs, and they are more likely to be less productive and disengaged. According to the American Institute of Stress, job-related stress costs employers more than $300 billion every year. Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

Provide Workplace Wellness Benefits

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle go a long way toward combating workplace stress. Employers can incentivize workers to be healthy by offering discounted gym memberships, hosting healthy eating / exercise challenges, or even adding an on-site gym.

A man was taken to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries on Monday morning, following a small explosion at a Tewksbury work site. The Tewksbury Fire and Police departments responded immediately. According to the Tewksbury Fire Marshall, the explosion resulted from a fire in a box truck that contained two power washing units. Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

The incident, which occurred around 8:30 a.m., was heard by parishioners in the nearby Church of St. William. According to St. William’s Rev. Dwight Hoeberechts, the distant explosion sounded like a “little loud boom.”

“It got my attention, it got all of our attentions that something happened,” Hoeberechts said, “One person thought it was a door that just slammed in the church, but I said it was more than just a door slamming.”

In a 2015 study conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), construction-related fatalities increased nearly six percent in 2014 compared to the previous year. In fact, at 874 reported deaths, 2014 had the highest total since 2008. Many of these fatalities occur in major cities, such as Boston and New York, due to the nature of building projects in these areas. Skyscrapers are being erected at staggering rates, and the heavy machinery and extreme heights inherent to these projects come with great risk. Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

According to the BLS, Nearly One-Fifth of Workplace Fatalities Involve Construction Workers

Construction has long held the title of most dangerous occupation, but certain aspects of construction work are riskier than others. Excavating, for example, is one of the more dangerous types of construction due to the risk of ground collapse. Roofing and other high-elevation work always comes with a risk of falling, the most common cause of construction-related fatalities.

A trench collapse that occurred Tuesday morning in Halifax is under investigation by OSHA. A 50-year-old landscaper with Evergreen Landscaping Company became trapped when the trench collapsed. Paul Brown of Plymouth, and several other workers, were inspecting a septic tank when the incident occurred. Paramedics and a rescue team, including the Halifax Fire Department, worked for several hours to free Brown from the trench. Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today.

Rescue Workers Provided Intravenous Fluids and a Heater to Prevent Hypothermia

According to firefighters, the rescue was especially difficult because they couldn’t use sophisticated equipment to free the victim. “It comes down to little army shovels and 5 gallon buckets. (We) can’t use big machinery because vibrations will cause more sand to collapse on top of the victim,” said Halifax Fire Chief Jason Vizeiros.  While Brown was still trapped in the 8-foot deep trench, he couldn’t move his legs but he was able to speak with the rescue workers. In order to protect Brown from becoming hypothermic, paramedics administered intravenous fluids and provided a heater to keep him warm.

Once freed from the trench, Brown was taken by ambulance to the landing pad of a medical helicopter. He was immediately flown to Boston Medical Center, where he remains in good condition. The victim was lucky. Trench collapses often result in serious injuries and death. “They don’t always end this way, so it is definitely a happy ending,” said Duxubry Fire Department Chief Kevin Nord.

Trenching is a High-Risk Occupation

Trenching is actually one of the most dangerous jobs around. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 271 workers died in trenching collapses between 2000 and 2006, and 488 trenching-related fatalities occurred between 1992 and 2000. Most trenching hazards are preventable and easy to recognize. It is the employer’s responsibility to promote safe work practices, and to provide a safe working environment, protective equipment, and adequate training.

OSHA Standards for Trenching Safety

  • When workers are exposed to danger from moving ground, trench walls must be guarded by a shoring system, ground slope, or equivalent means.
  • When ground material is soft or unstable, sides of trenches 5-feet deep or deeper must be shored, sloped, braced, sheeted, or supported by equivalent means.
  • Trenches adjacent to backfilled areas or prone to vibrations from highway traffic, railroads, or heavy-machine operation must be given additional bracing and shoring.

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