Yesterday, the Massachusetts Division of Occupational Safety announced that We Care Environmental, a recycling and composting facility based in Marlborough, Massachusetts has been approved as a Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) participant. This is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s highest honor given to small businesses.
The purpose of the SHARP designation is to identify and acknowledge companies that model best practices in health and safety management. To be chosen for this honor, businesses must complete an extensive OSHA consultation and meet program requirements, after which the state may recommend a workplace for SHAPR certification.
OSHA sets the nationwide standard for safety in the workplace, promoting the health and safety of workers by providing training, building partnerships, and enforcing standards designed to minimize on the job injuries. The only other SHARP-certified company in Central Massachusetts in the Worcester-based printer LaVigne Inc.
Marlborough Recycler Gets Top OSHA Designation, Worcester Business Journal, December 3, 2008 Continue reading