In Southboro, Massachusetts, two workers with serious burns were transported to the hospital after an electrical explosion at an abandoned cold storage building last week. The two men were working in the basement and caused the explosion when they cut a live wire that they believed had been disconnected.
Fire officials did not release the names of the injured workers, but an electrical worker was taken to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester and a demolition worker was taken to MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham. Their burns were not considered life-threatening. Four workers in other parts of the building (which is owned by Equity Industrial Partners Inc. of Needham) where the explosion occurred were not injured.
Fire engines from Framingham, Marlboro, and Northboro responded to the 911 call. National Grid cut off power to the building. Fire officials said they believe the explosion was accidental. An inspector from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was sent to investigate the building.