The parents of a worker who died in a construction site accident on I-495 in Lawrence, Massachusetts are campaigning for rules to improve workplace safety and prevent future accidents. The mother of Robert Augeri says that her son’s death could have been prevented if the truck that ran him over had been outfitted with rear motion sensors and other safety devices.
The proposed law, called Rob’s Law, would require trucks to have those and other safety device like day/night rearview cameras. Augeri is hoping to persuade lawmakers to pass the law in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Eventually, the goal is to make it a federal mandate.
After the fatal construction site accident, OSHA cited two of the companies involved in the accident. Lewis Maynard Trucking, which was the subcontractor who employed the man the driving the truck, was cited for failing to start and maintain an effective safety program. Brox Industries, which employed Augeri, was cited for failing to ensure that its safety program dealt with directing traffic in areas where workers were on foot and for failing to make sure employees were properly trained.
Parents of I-495 victim seek tougher workplace safety rules, The Eagle-Tribune, June 3, 2009
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